MKMMA week 22A. Dreams from silence

As I sat in silence one of the big things that came to me was the creation of new dreams list. I have posted it below.
I also have had to recognize my fears and self doubts. I know that I love to mentor, guide, coach, create, teach and lead others to greatness. I will be adjusting my DMP to fit those ideals. I also will revisit my core values for life and add those into my updated DMP.
This has been a blessed journey. Dream on. Live them daily.

Dreams List.

1. Attend and launch a lantern at a lantern festival in Thailand
2. Dive for buried treasure and find actual treasure
3. Buy a metal detector and have fun finding things
4. Visit and travel across all of Asia
5. Tour Vietnam with my friend Pascale Dang
6. Hunt for Red Stag in New Zealand
7. Own nice hunting guns again and teach my kids to hunt
8. Teach my kids to fish
9. Own a “Fleet of Fun”, cars purchased through Wayne Carini
10. Build a music/reading room for St. David’s
11. Build a tree-house for St. David’s
12. Design and build my own home using Mark Kawell as Architect
13. Own a Chris Craft boat.
14. Be able to boat when ever and where ever I want with my kids and friends
15. Have fresh flowers in my home each week
16. Find True love and feel unconditional love.
17. Tandem sky dive
18. Zip line in Costa Rica
19. Travel to Nepal
20. Travel to Peru
21. Travel to Patagonia
22. Travel to Chile
23. Travel to Brazil
24. Travel to Bora Bora
25. Travel to Maldives.
26. Travel to Ukraine and buy art.
27. Visit some of the great Gardens of the world
28. Visit Russia with my friend Genevive and get a russian fur hat
29. Visit Vancouver and stay a suite in the old Fairmont hotel
30. Play a round of golf below 80.
31. Restore and ride my old racing bicycle
32. Ride a bobsled in Austria
33. Fly first class on a regular basis
34. Swim in the infinity pool on top of the Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore
35. Drive over 100 mph on the Autobahn in a Maserati or Audi
36. Go helicopter skiing in Banff Canada
37. Learn to surf
38. Visit all 50 states of the USA Three left to complete this. CA, OR and Alaska.
39. Visit every continent in the world
40. Own wonderful original art that inspires me
41. Have my own creative studio/workshop that I can unleash my creativity in
42. Watch the fire works from Hong Kong harbor aboard a yacht
43. Be able to pay for my children’s college.
44. Be able to purchase a car for each of my kids
45. Bring value to a person’s life each day.
46. Be able to buy everyone at a crowded bar a round of drinks
47. Host a free spectacular dinner for all those that have helped when I have needed it.
48. Have my children in my life full time
49. Climb Mt Kilimanjaro and reach the summit
50. Swim with whales and be photographed with them
51. Visit Lipari, Italy, the home island of the Natoli Family
52. Have a lineage expert research my family line
53. Ride an elephant in Thailand
54. Ride a camel at the pyramids in Egypt.
55. Be able to travel each weekend to U.S destinations just to visit friends
56. Take my kids on many vacations around the globe. Including an all inclusive in Mexico and Bottle school trip in Guatemala
57. Work with a personal trainer to get in the best shape of my life.
58. Do the 90 day P90X program
59. Get a restored Vespa p200e again for fun around town
60. Learn to play Spanish guitar
61. Own a baby grand piano
62. Own another Audi
63. Drive a Semi for fun
64. Drive a dump truck for fun
65. Drive a bobcat for fun
66. Build a residual income stream of $50,000 a month
67. Be able to train and motivate others nationally from stage
68. Live life with the philosophy of What if, why not, Let’s go!
69. Learn what healthy eating is and enjoy it each day
70. Ride in a hot air balloon
71. Go on safari in Africa
72. Ride in a submarine
73. Learn to do a flip off the diving board
74. Do an iron cross on the gymnastic rings
75. Be able to treat people to amazing vacations
76. Own hunting land in Southern MN for deer and turkey
77. White water raft some of the great rivers in the USA.
78. Be able to pay for my kids weddings.
79. Ride in a fighter jet and go faster than Mach one
80. Ride roller coasters all across the USA.
81. Live to age 120.
82. Write a children’s book
83. Enjoy a week on a yacht in Monte Carlo or south of France
84. Spend some time in a float chamber
85. Host an all out Christmas for my kids with amazing food and presents.
86. Give presents to kids who have none.
87. Create a foundation for my kids that they have to decide who gets the interest income each year.
88. Have an amazing wardrobe and great shoes
89. Have one on one adventures with my kids at least twice a year
90. Get a massage each week
91. Get pedicures at least once a month
92. Paint some of the abstract ideas the role around in my head.
93. Work with a hypnotist or subconscious therapist to erase all the negative crap I carry around in my head.
94. Re-connect with three old friends. Julieta Gonzalez. Jill ann Tarara and Yvonne Hickey (Goff)
95. Buy a dog for my son.
96. Teach my kids how to mow the lawn. Iron a shirt and shine there own shoes.
97. Skinny dip with my girlfriend.
98. $50,000 in a emergency fund,
99. Make my tree swing invention a reality
100. Build a new website for my creative services
101. Have new business cards. Creative and vacation biz.
102. Inspirational FB page for the Sunshine Nation. #Globaljoy
103. Attend a Packers game at Lambeau field.
104. Attend the Masters at Augusta National and actually lay and roll down a fairway.
105. Take Amanda and Evan on a ski vacation to Big Mt. in Whitefish, Montana
106. Earn $150,000 per residual income per year from investments

MKMMA week 23 Truth about fear

Photo credit. Wang Ping. View of Mt. Everest 2016.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

When I heard and read this I knew it was the truth about myself. I have lived a life in fear of living the true me. Of being powerful and righteous in celebrating my gifts and blessings focused on the greater good of others. I have lived a life in service of others instead of being a servant leader. Pleasing others instead of pleasing myself in God’s glory. I here and now promise to spend the rest of my life working each day to give up this false pride bottled in fear. I promise to focus on my purpose of mentorship, guidance, coaching and creating to take others to true self identity and understanding. Journeys leading to success. I promise to build a legacy that is embraced with love by those who have lives have changed through guidance to greatness. I promise to live, to love, to flourish, and prosper through giving and by being a grateful receiver of the gifts around me. I promise to live autonomously, accountable to myself and my creator. I start today!

MKMMA week 22 Sounds of silence

Silence is a source of great strength. Lao Tzu.

When I was in scouting I was “tapped” out into a a special group called Order of the Arrow. Part of the Initiation right was to go three days without speaking. Most of the weekend was spent alone in reflection in the woods. But other times there were other initiates around and as we did chores and labor it was difficult not to speak. I remember yelling in my mind a lot trying to direct others actions. I also remember having conversational thought arguing back and forth over things I as thinking. It was a experience and a terrific exercise. I am proud to say I made it through the three days and can add another accomplishment to the list of wonderful things done in my life.
As we prepare to spend time in silence this week as part of our MKMMA exercises, I am wondering how it will change from my earlier memories. At this point in my life I do spend a lot of time alone. I do not own a TV. I feel that I spend quite a bit of time in general reflection. But to focus on silence for a couple of days will be a good process. I am already hearing my subby screaming…
Speaking is easy but silence is hard.

I also look forward to experiencing some of the things others have gained from the silence experience. I have listed them below. I have also included a great song by Simon and Garfunkel. The Sounds of Silence. I R2A2ed the lyrics and they have great corollary to our MKMMA learnings. Life will never be the same because of this course. So cool. Thanks MKMMA team.

Silence teaches to be happy with less. Pick something that’s weighing you down and let it go. Your life will thank you.

Silence teaches that less is more. A few simple words well spoken have more power than hours of chatter.

Silence teaches to appreciate the value of relating to others. Take time to really listen. Deep listening expresses deep appreciation.

Silence teaches how important it is to let go of distractions. Turn off phones and distractions. Paying attention will be easier.

Silence teaches the importance of shaping your thinking. Each day to notice your thoughts and let go of thoughts that don’t serve you.

Silence teaches to notice nature. A short walk outside in silence will discover the wisdom and peace that nature has to offer.

Silence teaches to be in my body. “What sensations do I feel in my body parts” Learning to feel your body can calm your troubled mind.

Silence teaches the importance of reducing the stimulation. Quiet time everyday will show how settled your mind can become.

Silence teaches that the world is a rich texture of sounds. Sit outside close your eyes. Amazing sounds will appear.

Silence teaches that people display great beauty. Watch people with an open heart and be inspired.

Silence teaches that space helps define difficulties. Recognize your difficulties with honer when they arise.

Silence teaches that love can be simple. Love all mankind and tell them.

Silence teaches the courage it takes to be still. Stillness lets what we are running from to catche up. The next time you are afraid, stop and wait for it to pass. There is immense courage inside your heart.

Silence teaches it’s immense power to endure. Recognize self doubt and doubts from others, silently vow not to give up. Action speaks volumes.

Silence teaches to have faith in self. Conquer anxiety in silence and find the space of deep faith that lives in your heart.

Silence teaches the importance of truth. Notice the little lies you tell yourself and try telling the truth instead.

Silence teaches gratitude. Ask yourself each day what am I grateful for. Honor your blessings.

Silence teaches simplicity and joy are close companions. Simplify on thing in your life each month and find your life become easy.

Silence teaches that words can get in the way. Do something in silence with someone you love. Enjoy their presence.

Silence teaches a deeper truth than words ever could. Feel the truth in your heart that silence reveals.

Sounds of Silence

Hello darkness, my old friend,
I’ve come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone,
‘Neath the halo of a street lamp,
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence.

And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more.
People talking without speaking,
People hearing without listening,
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dare
Disturb the sound of silence.

“Fools” said I, “You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows.
Hear my words that I might teach you,
Take my arms that I might reach you.”
But my words like silent raindrops fell,
And echoed
In the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
And the sign flashed out its warning,
In the words that it was forming.
And the sign said, “The words of the prophets

Are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls.”
And whisper’d in the sounds of silence.

MKMMA week 21 Miracles Everywhere!

As Einstein stated. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” I have chosen the later and am taking time each day to put all things into the miracle mode. Here are a few of the major ones from my past and recent on I live each day.


Car accident miracle…
On a return trip to college, after thanksgiving break, I was riding in the front passenger seat of my friends car. It was snowing just enough to cover the roads and make the lines and shoulder of the road disappear. The car drifted to the right on a slick spot and the tires hit that little lip of pavement between the road an the gravel shoulder. My friend turned the steering wheel to get the car back onto the road we unfortunately began to spin. Time stopped and then moved in slow motion. I saw a semi truck approaching us in the opposing lane and it appeared like we were going to spin right in front of that truck and get hit and killed. But somehow the timing was just right and the truck passed us as we spun and crossed over the opposing lane behind the semi. But low and behold there was another semi truck right behind the first. Well miraculously we did a 360 degree spin behind the first truck and just in front of the the second semi. We continued to spin across that lane and came to a halt in a corn field. Wow how did that happen was all I could really think. We should have been dead. As we caught our breath and stepped out of the car to assess the damage we were amazed, there was NO danamge! Just a couple of corn stalks stuck to bumper. And to continue the miracle the field was frozen solid and we could drive on it. And just next to where we came to a stop was an access road to the field. We drove out of the corn and back onto the road and made our way back to college. Just one amazing happening after another. MIRACLES!

Ski racing Miracle…
As a collegiate level downhill ski racer, going fast through a gated course was a regular occurrence. I was a downhill and GS racing specialist. I loved to go fast and always be on the edge of being out of control. In order to achieve those speeds the skis at the time needed to be very long. My ski length was always 205 cm or longer. As I am 5 foot 7 inches tall and those where very long skies in relation to my height and required skill and strength to manage. One winter Saturday I was competing in a downhill race in northern Minnesota. I was very proud of my 9th place finish against some of the great USA jr and olympic hopefuls. After the race I still had my 210cm downhill skies on with bindings that do not release at high speeds, let alone low speeds. I decided to test my skills and push these extra long skies through a tight slalom course. Well this was not a very bright idea but I was feeling invincible. While negotiating the course I caught the tip of my ski on a gate and launched myself out of the course and into adjoining woods that ran parallel. I rolled, did a flip and came to an abrupt stop smashing my head face first into a tree. Of course helmets where not worn in those days. I could have been killed or suffered a TBI but I was miracioulsy taken care of. I got up and skied down the slope. It took a while to get my wits back. But I was being watched over. MIRACLE!


Brain tumor Miracle…
I have mentioned a bit of this story before in a prior blog post, but my ex-wife had a brain tumor at the base of her brain for the last 8.5 years of our marriage. Non cancerous.(miracle) But it was the size of an egg and the location of the tumor was considered in-operable by many, too dangerous to attempt by others, and the option of not removing it could lead to huge neurological side effects. We managed her daily seizures through medicines as we kept searching for a year to find a solution. (PERSISTENCE). Our nationwide search lead us to an amazign surgeon. A surgeon who was not only one of three in the world qualified to do this kind of tumor resection, but he actually taught the other two. Through a series of miraculous connections we got to the front of the line and flew to Little Rock, AK to meet the him. Dr. Yasargil was voted neurosurgeon of the century in three countries, mapped the brain for 22 years before operating on anyone and wrote the book on what is now called vascular neurosurgery. He also invented most of the tools used in neurosurgery today. WOW! We were miraculously put in the right hands. After two major surgeries one in 2006 and another in 2009 she was declared tumor free. Miracle! While it changed her as a person and she walked away from 21 years together, she is able to work and function and most importantly still be able to be a parent to our two children. MIRACLES everywhere.

Finally The green house Miracle…
I work for my friends families greenhouse. They are a wholesaler and grow annual flower bedding plants from seed to what is called a plug. Basically a plant that is about 1 inch tall. It is then sold to other nurseries and greenhouses across the USA where they grow it until you buy it to plant in your gardens or as a hanging basket or potted plant. I was taking some time to think about miracles and then it hit me, I work in a miracle factory! We produce about 50 million plants annually. That is a lot of miracles that sprout from the seeds we sow. I try to take the metaphor into mind and remember that I am planting seeds every day into my subconscious and they will grow just as the plants do to brighten and enlighten my life and those I interact with. Miracles are truly all around us, and I am grateful for the ones that are in my life.

MKMMA week 20 Legacy and core values


I have have been reflecting on one of my PPNs. Legacy to be specific. I desire to build a legacy in my life using my teachings, mentorship and interactions with my children to guide their lives to greatness. In my loving encounters with others filling it with joy, leaving behind a personal mark with responsible and enlightened designs which I create for myself or for my clients. These desires have led me to create a list of core values that underpin this legacy. I feel this will be an organic process much like creating our DMPs. I want to be clear with the words I use and why. I want to be ale to truly apply them and not be hypocritical or contradictory in the daily living of the core values. I have been looking at some recent core value statements and look forward to the process. Some of the core values I am beginning with are below.


Balance. Harmony. Love. Gratitude. Unity. Joy. Radiance. Excellence. Servant leadership.

BALANCE: A condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
I desire to live a life that remembers to stop to smell the flowers as I continue to plants the seeds for their growth.

HARMONY: Agreement or concord.
I desire to live a life without conflict. A life that finds harmony and lives for resolution versus blame. For forgiveness and love not hate and vindictiveness or retribution.

Love: An intense feeling of deep affection
I desire to live a live with love towards all mankind and for the things that bless my life.

GRATITUDE: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
I desire to reflect each day upon the things I am grateful for and to be a grateful receiver of the kind acts that fill my day.

UNITY: The state of being united or joined as a whole.
I desire to live a life that is united with my creator and the universal blessings bestowed upon me.

JOY: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
I desire to live a life where i recognize my own pleasure and happiness in all things.

RADIENCE: light or heat as emitted or reflected by something.
I desire to live a life that has my own radiance bringing joy, love and happiness to all who I encounter.

EXCELLENCE: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good.
I desire that I live a life that always puts my best effort forward. That I am valued for what I bring to the table.

SERVANT LEADERSHIP: leading by serving others.
I desire to live a life that places the interests and needs of others ahead of my own self-interests and needs. Mentoring others to greatness to see their loving power shine in radiance to others.

MKMMA week 19 The foundation of trust is love.


Last month I received a new years letter from a from a friend. I had not had time to read it until recently. As I read it I was blown away as I saw the power of the principles of MKMMA in action. Using love and servant leadership to pay it forward always. These are principles I believe in. This letter reveals the significant journey of enlightenment and a glimpse into some individual lives. I am reprinting this letter below. I have changed the names but the rest of the letter remains the same. I hope you find it as powerful as I did. Take time to R2A2 this letter. So many examples of the scrolls and MKMMA principles in action and of course the 7 Natural Laws. Enjoy.


” January 2017, Dear family and friends.

I used to think love was a feeling. this year I discovered it’s not. Love is an energy that opens the mind and the heart to a pure light, the raw material from which the entire universe is built.

I figured this out when I was a asked to help a friend-of-a-friend with his sales skills. He had moved from a business where he was successfully making cold-call sales of online ads to one with a much longer sales cycle. Selling large software solutions to much bigger businesses. He was struggling to make his commission targets and asked if I could introduce him to my friends who might need his companies product. Little did I know I would be sucked into a daily email re-writing program for him to understand that he needed to be genuinely and truly helpful to people and not just jam them with a sale on the way to a sales target.

My own mentor spent years teaching me that a true salesman is one who has a servant’s heart and provides something people find improves their lives. It was time for me to pass along those lessons I had learned. The eager protege was open-minded enough that I thought I had a good chance of succeeding. I quickly volunteered to become his mentor when I saw he was actually deploying what I had told him, trying to improve each day. He had real hunger. I liked that.

After seeing my men-tee struggle to find his own voice. I realized he was just copying a script and unable to connect with any of the CEOs that I introduced him to. Rather than continue to burn my short list of contacts, he needed a more radical lesson in life. after all, he was only a couple years out of university. I needed him to understand his heart was more essential than his brain, He wasn’t going to sell $100,000 piece of software by being more clever. He had to listen to the needs of his potential customers and translate those words into a meaningful dialog about how he could make their lives easer with the product his company made. I need to work face-to- face to tell him gently that he had no heart for what he was doing. So I invited him to spend some time together at my home in Mississippi.

There I discovered he had been severely hurt in the past and as result had completely shut off his feelings to protect himself, not something I have found to be terribly uncommon for so many talented young people coming from broken families. In my view most of the baby boomers generation has been focused on their own happiness at the expense of everyone else, including their own children. Not to mention their own obsession with their own wealth and failure to be better materially than their parents… Like so many people I have mentored this young man needed to know his compassion was the only route to true success, not only in business but also in life. I wanted to show him how to lead with his heart by sharing my experience of selling carrier-opportunities to the highest level executives in finance, a skill I honed over more than 25 years of listening.

I told him about my life and critical junctures of learning I had been through: attending an elite hight school, mother dying my senior year, trekking through the Himalaya in Nepal, working for the Wall Street Journal in Asia during one of the most dynamic decades of change in history (rise of and fall of democracy across Asia and the collapse of the Soviet Union), career conversion to executive search, marriage, children, building and selling two companies, divorce, the credit crisis, colleague betrayal, business collapse and rebuild, travel across every continent on the globe, etc. I spared no detail and let him see that being vulnerable was essential to establishing trust and rapport quickly… in essence, proving to him that the foundation of trust is love.

He listened so intently and returned to work with a new lens, a filter based on being genuine. As expected, the voice in emails changed; the approach to his potential customers became genuine. And boom, he made his first connection and began down a road that has made him on of the most successful salesman in the company. Others noticed and his friends began to ask for the same mentoring. Before I knew it I had become a “business guru.” He asked me to help a colleague. So I did and that person asked to help a friend of his. On it went, each needing something unique; each striving to succeed. One by one they would come to the house in Mississippi for and encounter with “Deepak me.” But as I knew would happen, the student would ultimately teach the teacher.

Our trips to Mississippi ended up with a connection that created, in his words, “an unstoppable energy.” We began to explore the nature of the human “condition” of loves and hates, of ups and downs, of right and wrong, of consciousness, of ways to talk to others and ways to listen… and that if the foundation of trust is love, the foundation of love is respect. We studied everything quickly through the internet and learned how essential our bodies’ centers of energies were to understanding problem-solving consciousness, the balance between mind, heart and soul. What started out as a lesson in leading with the heart to improve sales skills ended up being and ah-ha moment of profound universal awakening.

Buddha once said spiritual enlightenment is a state of being where you experience, and know, on an on-going basis an ultimate sense of peace, meaning and bliss. Your perception of yourself and the universe connects to the ultimate reality in a very real and present way that is permanent and unbreakable. Our introspection got so intense that one evening in Mississippi filled with music and meditation I shared an epiphany with my two men-tees I had not before known; An energy of white light passed between us the I think about every day, a calmness of certainty the pure, unconditional love for humanity creatures a light of real energy that can be transmitted. It’s not that we fell into love but that the joy of our rising success exposed a compassion that allowed us to understand what it meant to was in someone else’s shoes and be truly compassionate. All our worry and fear fell aside.

According to Hindu scriptures, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first is that you stop worrying. Things dont bother you anymore. You become light-hearted and full of joy. The second is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicity. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.

I left that weekend in February a changed man. My own approach to business changed. I now only listened, I heard and responded with compassion and compersion. Others people joy was my joy. I focused on what worked in life and let go of what didn’t For the first time in my life, I led with my heart in the most complete and miraculous fashion. It changed everything in my life, and the money began to pour over me. I had a record year professionally and have never had so much fun as I am having. I connect with one of my closest friend to become the best combination of fun and money. He and I traveled the world and I am proud to be showing him a path to his own success. My grandson taught me how to love even more unconditionally. My sons taught me how to guide and direct with less force, and my daughter-in-law taught me how to lead by example.

I know what love really is. It is unbridled energy of positivity and joy and that “unstoppable energy” is contagious to everyone and everything around you. With love at the center of life, anything is possible and I want to prove it every day to anyone who will listen.

With this energy we have started a a series of family companies dedicated to serving others, My youngest son is leading the way with his new thoroughbred fund. He expects to raise $40 million in his first round and return 24% a year. My eldest son is a chef in Seattle and spends all of his effort serving up the most delectable food. My daughter-in-law is working to launch a fashion business, and my grandson shows us every day what a wonder it really is to be naked in the world.

My own life-coach asked how I would honor my newfound sense of enlightenment and suggested that every day I look at a flower and take the time to to see its immense glory and beauty. Have you ever really stared at a rose. It contains all of the universe in the energy it creates by just being a rose. Carl Jung once said, “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”

Here is wishing you all the love in the world; that you also find inner peace and joy in your daily life and that you act with compassion and not just observe. Peace be yours.

MKMMA week 18. Double date :-)

As I reflect on this past week I have had to overcome some challenging obstacles. I had just recently found a place to live for a couple of months while I continued my broader search. But the homeowner’s brother who lives in a small town north of Minneapolis has become very ill. He needs to be closer to higher level care and as such the homeowner has decided to move his brother into his home along with his family during this health crisis. As such I need to move out much sooner than expected. I have no idea where I am going to go yet and am trying to keep all fear of the unknown out. I am staying open to options and manifestations. A second hiccup was my new car that I just got to replace the one that was totaled in my car accident over christmas decided to randomly start on fire. Well that it is one way to warm up the car on a cold winter day. LOL Thank goodness the damage was repairable and the car is drivable again.

So how do you end a week like this… with a DOUBLE DATE!

It has been a year or more since I have had one on one time with my son. He is 14 and I miss him very much. I called him Friday night and suggested we go to a movie. He said that he already had tentative plans. I said that’s cool, how about a quick bite to eat before you meet up with your friends. HE SAID YES!!. wow. I was very happy. So I drove over and picked him up and we went out to a local restaurant. He has grown so much and is now taller than me. His voice is lower and his grand mind continues to grow at fantastic rates. We talked about a variety of topics and then he asked about the course I am taking. I shared about the MKMMA and linking our mind with the universe. My son is gifted and tested in the top 4% of children nationwide for cognitive ability and it has taken some time for him to get his feet underneath himself regarding accepting the gift of his big brain. But as I sat and listening to him react to the MKMMA he talked immediately about the universe and his interest in Astro physics and universal sciences. He began applying his learnings to understand and interpret what the course is teaching and what we are ultimately capable of. He was blowing me away. His use of vocabulary and actually knowing what the words mean and how to apply them was astounding. A proud dad moment. As we ate his friends texted and could not go out that night after all. So my son and I got to continue our evening and attended the movie after all. I think that qualifies as a manifestation!!!. I love you Evan!!

My 17 year old daughter is a senior this year and is headed off to college this fall. She began dancing at the age of 4 and has continued to this day. She is on the varsity Dance team at her high school and this weekend were sectionals for State Qualification and her last time to dance competitively in high school. Earlier in the week she had reached out to me and asked if I could be there for her. Date scheduled!!. So yesterday was the competition. I live in Minneapolis and my daughter’s high school ranks in the top teams in Minnesota and competes against the other top ranked schools in her section on a regular basis. Her team is usually placing in the top 4. So this sectional really was the” unofficial” state competition. It was a long afternoon and a bit uncomfortable for me as my ex-wife was there as well and we are not exactly friends any more. But I cheered and put all my energy towards my daughter. During intermission I did log into a MARk-J webinar for go90grow! So as the day wound up I watched my daughter dance. A huge smile on my face.  She was amazing. I was dripping tears as she danced and kicked and smiled.  So in the end her team took 4th and did not make State. I know she was crushed. But she is a Winner and never quit. Always has given her all. She is in her BLISS when she dances I hope that there will always be a way for her to continue to enjoy the moment she defines as “taking the floor,”  But life is always about taking the floor as the Hero’s journey teaches us. We must leave something behind, learn new skills and then transform into the hero only to return to share the story to help others. I know her journey is going to be great. I love you Amanda!!!

MKMMA week 17hj. Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!


So I am learning that as I progress through the MKMMA process each week is developing its own dynamic. Sometimes I am inspired early in the week to write other times I a don”t revive enlightenment till much later. I was not sure how to approach the topic of Hero’s Journey this week and last night  BOOM! I had the opportunity to meet a living hero. The great Rudy Ruettiger. Daniel Eugene “Rudy” Ruettiger is a motivational speaker who played college football at the University of Notre Dame. His early life and career at Notre Dame was the inspiration for the 1993 film Rudy. I am sure many of you have seen it and know the story of his persistence. I had the privilege of meeting him and hearing him speak last night in a intimate setting of about 80 people. After his talk which mirrored many of MKMMA principles I had the privilege of sitting down with him for a few minutes and even got to exchange email address and now have a living hero in my network.

But let’s looks at that last sentence. When we address the HERO we assume they have to famous or a celebrity of some type. That they have become a legend before they can be titled hero. But in reality we are all heroes each and every day. So you see my contact file is full of  everyday heroes.


I spoke with a friend this evening who has fought off PTSD. They are a living hero. My son trying new tricks at the skateboard park is a hero. My daughter who’s dance team won first place in their invitational on Saturday, The massage therapist who relieved my back pain today was a hero. Heroism is deciding to act in spite of others opinions or attitudes. It is having the courage to chase your purpose and jump into the abyss. It’s about being an underdog and making the hard choice and living it into greatness. We are challenged this week to make the choice to jump further into the unknown, They Abyss. It is not an easy choice to make. But heroes would not be heroes if the journey was easy. Remember the choices we make are what we become. Do your best each day and forget the rest. Lead with character and commitment. The universe will make you a winner if you show up and put forth your best effort everyday. Let’s go MKMMA alliance. We have a destiny to attain. WE GOT THIS. Heroes one and all.
Here is a song by Country Artist Chris Hawkey. called Underdog. The words are great. enjoy

Chris Hawkey UNDERDOG

First string got hit in practice Didn’t land quite right.
Second string couldn’t make the grades to play that Friday night. So the kid they said was way to small to even make the team was starting in the biggest game the school had ever seen. His hands were cold as the huddle broke and he called the final play. He dropped back and threw that pass that won the game. Little number 8.

Sometimes the underdog comes through. Sometimes the longest shot beats the odds. Sometimes it ain’t the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog. Sometimes the one we counted out rises up in the moment of truth. Sometimes the underdog comes through.

After years of trying, her luck was turning round. She finally saw that beating heart right there on ultra sound. But when she got sick the doctor said “he didn’t have a choice.” They’d have to operate or she could lose her baby boy. He’d be too small, not breath at all, probably live a couple of days, but just last week she heard him speak on that high school stage Graduation day.

Sometimes the underdog comes through. Sometimes the longest shot beats the odds. Sometimes it ain’t the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog. Sometimes the one we counted out rises up in the moment of truth. Sometimes the underdog comes through.

I could have heard them when they said “my dreams were crazy.” I could have heard them when they told me to “move on.” But if I had listened you would have never heard this song. Sometimes the underdog comes through.

Sometimes the longest shot beats the odds. Sometimes it ain’t the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog. Sometimes the one we counted out rises up in the moment of truth. Sometimes the underdog comes through.


MKMMA week 17. The Power of sharing


I had a wonderful couple of events happen this week because I took time to share the experience I am having with the MKMMA. A few posts ago I mentioned that I had shared my positivity with the salon girls who cut my hair. I put them all on the 7 day mental diet and suggested substituting the affirmation I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, harmonious, happy, loving, confident, giving and prosperous to replace the negative thought. I just stopped in for a trim this past week and the moment I walked in the girls all started to smile and come running over to me all talking at once about what has been happening. One of the girls had taken the affirmation I had written, photo copied it and then cut into heart shapes and taped them to all the mirrors at the hair cutting stations. They are sharing the affirmation with all their clients and talking about having no negative thoughts. WOW. I was blown away. They are all so happy and grateful. I love them all and they make me happy now that their lives are blossoming into positivity. They even call one another out in a loving way if they hear negativity. I know they all will take time to learn more about how  MKMMA is changing lives. 🙂


On Thursday I was with a friend of mine who had to stop into a local hospital for an appointment before we went on to other things. I was waiting for him to return in the cafeteria. As I was reading a book two young women came in and sat at the table next to me. I could not help but to over hear their conversation. They were focused on nutrition and working hard to help their patients with individualized diets hoping their health would come back. One of the women was frustrated because she wanted to offer more because she new that the mind is the source for making amazing change. Well I could not hold my self back and lovingly interjected myself into their conversation and introduced a few of the concepts I have been learning and how they have helped me and others. How there is science behind these learnings and the conversation became amazing and they both mentioned that this was what they have both been looking for. We exchanged contact information and I linked them to the MKMMA. We hare going to chat again next week about more of what the MKMMA is doing. Love sharing all of this. It is such a great way to help others. Thanks Mark and Devine for staying true to your Dharma and taking this course to the world. The more you give the more you get. This week I got smiles, happiness and that wonderful feeling of knowing you have changed a life in a positive way. WAHOO!!!

MKMMA week 16. My mind is bouncing


So what an interesting last couple of weeks it has been. The holiday break, The car accident. Moving and not having a place to live yet so I am living at a gracious friends home till I am able to find a permanent place. Living out of bins and boxes with most of my world in storage is so nomadic and unsettled. I am being approached with New business opportunities, Some of which are in line with my DMP and others that are interesting but may not align with my current DMP. This is making my mind bounce bounce BOUNCE between the new MKMMA learnings and skills screaming to me about my positive future ahead, and my yet un-cleansed subby which is knocking me about like a UFC title fight.


I am being so distracted by these events that I am not getting the same feeling with the readings, sits and exercises I was getting prior to the break.

I would love to know if any one else is experiencing this. ( oh wait my favorite jazz song just started playing at the coffee shop I am sitting in. Take Five by Dave Brubeck.  So I am taking a moment to recognize it and be happy and joyful for that is part of my DMP!) Ok back to task. I am frustrated with myself. I so want this course to propel me forward. I believe in what is happening here.

Not sure how to define this event that happened this week. I was invited to a local spiritual center who is currently doing a 10 week course on the book the Science of the Mind by Earnest Holmes. I sat in on Wednesday evenings class. I must say the MKMMA is so incredibly thorough and detailed compared to what I saw on Wednesday night. I was happy to see the greater good the course is doing for those in attendance but The MKMMA is light years ahead of them. I actually felt I could teach the ten week course and take the students to an another level of greatness. So not sure how this falls into the manifestations we are experiencing or the law of attraction but it did affirm for me that I made a great choice in this course and being part of the Alliance. Please let me know how your current mind set is and how you are feeling now that we are almost in week three of 2017 in regards to your action plans to achieve your DMP.

Best to you all. Love you all. Remember you are whole perfect strong powerful harmonious loving happy confident giving and prosperous.
